Things that annoy you (3 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Had that at a restaurant in Italy. They were in the latter years of their lives, blatantly loaded and pissed out their faces and all shouting at once into iPads pressed into their faces.

At one point they came over to our table (I was with my parents and speaking English), asked to try some of my dad’s food and then when he tried to ignore them they asked if we spoke Spanish (in Spanish).
exactly this although the ones we encountered could eat for the US and not someone you would want to sit next to on a plane !


Well-Known Member
Adverts for things I have already bought.

I have bought a ticket to see Interpol in November. Why am I seeing adverts for Interpol in November, YouTube!?

Also, the loudness of some of the Youtube ads...


Well-Known Member
People who ask questions about things the audience isn't supposed to know yet when watching films/TV

e.g. "Who just killed her??" while watching a whodunnit


Well-Known Member
My nine year old who can’t watch a movie at the cinema without tapping me on the shoulder every thirty seconds to give commentary. “Godzilla is sleeping like a cat daddy” “yes he is” “baby kong is so cute daddy” “yes he is”


Well-Known Member
Had that at a restaurant in Italy. They were in the latter years of their lives, blatantly loaded and pissed out their faces and all shouting at once into iPads pressed into their faces.

At one point they came over to our table (I was with my parents and speaking English), asked to try some of my dad’s food and then when he tried to ignore them they asked if we spoke Spanish (in Spanish).
"no, fuck off"

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Well-Known Member
The amount of time the traffic lights are on green for traffic at the crossing by the stadium. By the time it turns red, there are hundreds waiting to cross. Surely on a match day they could tweak the timing. It would also stop people risking crossing near the roundabout and dodging the traffic.


Well-Known Member
My nine year old who can’t watch a movie at the cinema without tapping me on the shoulder every thirty seconds to give commentary. “Godzilla is sleeping like a cat daddy” “yes he is” “baby kong is so cute daddy” “yes he is”
I get that non-stop with a four year old, don't tell me I've got a minimum of five years of this still to come!


Well-Known Member
Over dramatised codswallop!
I come from a long line of bizarre and audibly deafening sneezers.

I was actually advised not to hold my sneezes in by a doctor, as I already had damage to my sinuses. Luckily, you and ccfctommy won’t hear me nasally bellowing from South Wales. 👍🏻


Well-Known Member
I come from a long line of bizarre and audibly deafening sneezers.

I was actually advised not to hold my sneezes in by a doctor, as I already had damage to my sinuses. Luckily, you and ccfctommy won’t hear me nasally bellowing from South Wales. 👍🏻
Is this a a Welsh phenomenon? My wife is Welsh and takes the roof off the house with her double sneeze. Luckily there’s normally a long build up so we can take precautions.


Well-Known Member
Is this a a Welsh phenomenon? My wife is Welsh and takes the roof off the house with her double sneeze. Luckily there’s normally a long build up so we can take precautions.
Could be genetically exclusive to the Welsh, yes, as most of my lineage is from The Valleys.

Haha, precautions. Would that be using a tea tray as a snot guard, or just diving behind the settee?


Well-Known Member
Could be genetically exclusive to the Welsh, yes, as most of my lineage is from The Valleys.

Haha, precautions. Would that be using a tea tray as a snot guard, or just diving behind the settee?
It’s the volume. When we know it’s coming we can protect our ears.


Well-Known Member
It’s the volume. When we know it’s coming we can protect our ears.
My granddad was like that, he was like the Brian Blessed of sneezers, usually when it was quiet. Used to scare the shit out of us.

I’m thinking perhaps this should become a national sport in Wales.


Well-Known Member
My missus is convinced loud sneezers are putting it on for attention. I swear mine have unintentionally louder as I’ve got older.


Well-Known Member
My wife insists she is unable to sneeze quietly. It can't be true as I'm easily able to suppress mine without my head exploding.


Well-Known Member
Lip fillers, women walking around with their lips pouting out. Gross

Who has told women this is attractive and can we stop?

There was a woman recently who posted a “guess my age” picture, people guessed mid forties, she was 22!

The theory was she’d got all the stuff done that old women get to look young (Botox, filler, the silly eyebrows, the bad tan) and ended up looking like a 42 year old trying to look 22 rather than an actual 22 year old.

I’m getting proper radicalised over this stuff with two young girls. The ex has got the nine year old on a “regime” for skin care, the only tangible difference is her skin seems to be constantly getting rashes now!

Fucks sake women, stop falling for snake oil and fucking yourselves up.


Well-Known Member
Who has told women this is attractive and can we stop?

There was a woman recently who posted a “guess my age” picture, people guessed mid forties, she was 22!

The theory was she’d got all the stuff done that old women get to look young (Botox, filler, the silly eyebrows, the bad tan) and ended up looking like a 42 year old trying to look 22 rather than an actual 22 year old.

I’m getting proper radicalised over this stuff with two young girls. The ex has got the nine year old on a “regime” for skin care, the only tangible difference is her skin seems to be constantly getting rashes now!

Fucks sake women, stop falling for snake oil and fucking yourselves up.
I understand your concern, like many men, I don't find it attractive, but many don't do it to attract men, they do it for themselves. I don't understand why.


Well-Known Member
Who has told women this is attractive and can we stop?

There was a woman recently who posted a “guess my age” picture, people guessed mid forties, she was 22!

The theory was she’d got all the stuff done that old women get to look young (Botox, filler, the silly eyebrows, the bad tan) and ended up looking like a 42 year old trying to look 22 rather than an actual 22 year old.

I’m getting proper radicalised over this stuff with two young girls. The ex has got the nine year old on a “regime” for skin care, the only tangible difference is her skin seems to be constantly getting rashes now!

Fucks sake women, stop falling for snake oil and fucking yourselves up.
I'm somewhat ambivalent about the whole thing, though I do struggle with middle aged lefties knowing what's best for the wimmin.

Let them get on with it and find their own way in life.

The last thing your hopefully empowered daughters need is condemnation from the patriarchy.

Lip fillers, like leg warmers for men (remember them) are a trend. They are temporary and will go away.

I reserve my ire for tattoos.


Well-Known Member

I'm somewhat ambivalent about the whole thing, though I do struggle with middle aged lefties knowing what's best for the wimmin.

Let them get on with it and find their own way in life.

The last thing your hopefully empowered daughters need is condemnation from the patriarchy.

Lip fillers, like leg warmers for men (remember them) are a trend. They are temporary and will go away.

I reserve my ire for tattoos.

I’m literally their Dad. From the patriarchy lol.

Luckily my daughters feel the same way about Botox and lip fillers, but I’m not sure the progressive response to big business pushing nonsense onto children for profit at the expense of their health and let’s face it actual empowerment is “don’t wanna tell them what to do 😬”. Miss me with that libfem shit. Some things are bad and patriarchal capitalistic beauty standards are one of them.


Well-Known Member

I'm somewhat ambivalent about the whole thing, though I do struggle with middle aged lefties knowing what's best for the wimmin.

Let them get on with it and find their own way in life.

The last thing your hopefully empowered daughters need is condemnation from the patriarchy.

Lip fillers, like leg warmers for men (remember them) are a trend. They are temporary and will go away.

I reserve my ire for tattoos.
Only after damaging a generation. Whoever told a woman that they look in any way attractive was doing so to make money from exploiting them.


Well-Known Member
Only after damaging a generation. Whoever told a woman that they look in any way attractive was doing so to make money from exploiting them.
Mini skirts
Siouxie Soux
Lip fillers

Etc. Etc.

Girls doing their own thing will always piss off us middle aged men who know better.

Let it go.


Well-Known Member
One of these things is not like the others. You’ve named four clothing styles and one medical procedure…
Clutching at straws now.

Let the girls be girls.

"The patriarchy is strong in this one"


Well-Known Member
Therefore you know best.

All bow to the patriach.

Wimmin, know thy place.

(You really don't get it, do you)?

OK man. Sex work and plastic surgery are liberation. No one is going to take your porn away, don’t worry.

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