Peter herbert and the society of black lawyers! (2 Viewers)

Senior Vick from Alicante

Well-Known Member
Is any one else as sick of hearing this self serving over opinionated herbert as I am. I am a 44 year old white english male who has been going to football matches since the early 70s and have only ever come accross the so called racism that is endemic in our game at a cov game once, I can even remember the night. We were playing West Ham in the first leg semi final against West Ham and some idiot on the kop shouted insults at Gary Thompson when we went 2-0 down.
I think I am more fortunate than my forebears in relation to religion and colour of skin, just by the fact that when I went to school it was with the first real children of the first immigrants in to this country. I was lucky enough to count among my friends black, asian, indian and pakistani freinds. I believe men of my age are more tolerant racialy then our fathers and grandfathers because of this, the actual out and out racists are about 1% of the general population. I do believe the FA have done loads to combat the problems these 1% bring to the modern game, how many supporters that attend todays games have heard the disgracefull chants that our under 21 lads sufferd?
In all walks of life you will always have the idiot that spoils it for the rest of us, but The Society of Black Lawyers is tarring us all with the same brush. If a Totenham fan wants to refer to himself as a YID, because this is what he thinks identifies him with his fellow fans then I dont perseave this as racist. In fact i believe it to be the opposit, these fans are reclaiming a slang word back as their own. What Peter Herbert fails to realise is the more he inflicts his ill informed oppinion on us the more the likes of the Spurs fans will retaliate, do the Russian Football Federation take offence with Liverpool or Man U if they sing red army because it may derogatory towards communism. Football is tribal, always has been and always will be were the sky blue army its our identifying song the same as Spurs sing Yid army.
I am not a racist it is not acceptable in any forms what so ever, so why are not the likes of Mr Herbert and his colleagues voicing their concerns over the things that really matter to people of colour in football? Why arnt they asking for better intagration of all people of colour in football, why are their so little asian or indian players in the game, or lack of coloured managers. These are the real questions that they should in my opinion be asking, not jumping on the hot topic of the moment, he has never voiced his opinion of the sectarianism that goes on at games between the old firm has he.
Their you go rant over and if any thing I have said has offended any one I appologies but I am sick of the nanny state and it always being forced down our throats, I would be really interested in hearing the non white middle class opinion on this if any one has any thoughts. PUSB


Well-Known Member
When I was at school a Herbert was a bit of a prat.

Sometimes you get given a name that just suits you down to the ground.


I think that any club just based on the colour of your skin is wrong.

Could you imagine if a school or a union turned round and said it was for white people only?

All it does is make racism more rife, if people want to be treated the same as everybody else (which they should) then they shouldn't have the society of black lawyers of the black police officers union etc.
The Society Of Black Lawyers, I seen this on the news the other day, In my eyes having a organisation with that name are singling themselves out so fundamentally they are racist themselves. If I had a group which in the title had for the white man it would be seen as racist! Such a difficult subject. You can call a Scottish person a scot or Irish person a paddy and it is not seen as racist! Where as someone from Pakistan can also have there nationality shortened and it is seen as a racist slur! I am not condoning any sort of racism but a line has to be drawn somewhere. Monkey noises and banana throwing all this nonsense is terrible. There is obviously some sort of racism in football its been proved with Suarez and Terry, these two players should never play again that is kicking it out.


Well-Known Member
Recently in Mauritius on holiday, my wife and I went out on a speedboat, snorkeling to look at the amazing marine life on the coral reefs. The guy who was driving the boat for the day was black as many Mauritians are, and he encouraged fish to the boat ahead of us joining in by throwing bread into the water around which they obviously congregated to feed.

He told me that if I jumped in, I'd attract the fish in the same way as my skin was the same colour as the bread; whereas he'd be ignored.

Racist? Neah; simply a light-hearted comment based on the factual observation that our skins were of different colour. If I'd have made a comment of equal standing in his direction in this country; and worst still if it had been on the self-flagellating BBC; I'd be locked up by now.

Racism is abhorrent. But in this country, the stance often taken feeds as opposed to marginalise the extremists in either camp. Sad


New Member
I don't know where to begin. Firstly you refer to the post-war immigrants as the 'first' immigrants. This whole country is founded on immigrants, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, etc.
secondly the whole Tottenham and yid thing is sickening as most Tottenham fans aren't Jewish. Most spurs fans claim they're reclaiming the word but they've never experienced the racial hatred associated with the word.
Finally you are not black, you've never experienced the prejudice and intolerance most black people have felt. There is a difference between white and black people when it comes to racism because most white people have never experienced what it's like to be hated because of your skin colour.
The fight against racism isn't over there are so many ways in which are society is divided along racial lines. We need to be constantly vigilant about this.


CCFC Finance Director
you see in one sense Herbert has achieved something........... he has got us all sitting up and talking around the subject

however he has created more negatives than positives because we are talking about him not racism and how to confront it, because if you read many posts here and elsewhere there is a growing sense of division, because it is isolating further a section of our society on the basis of colour and because people are switching off hearing the message he wants to put across.

The very name Society of Black anything is divisive, it sets people apart by the colour of their skin..........fair inclusion not exclusion is the only to address the problem. It is a pity highly intelligent lawyers can not see that...... and choose to drive further divides into our society


Well-Known Member
Support groups for specific sections of society are needed.
My auntie is a member of the NBPA and it has helped her with discrimination issues in the past. It's the equivalent, wether people like to admit it or not, of going to the British Embassy for advice if you have specific problems abroad. That's the easiest way to describe it, you wouldn't nip to the local police in Iran if there was a threat of kidnap. (maybe an extreme example!)

What is happening at the moment is unfortunate, to put it lightly. This Herbert character is going about this completely wrong and he is causing far too much damage. Someone needs to step in and make people aware he doesn't represent 'all of us'

(I'm mixed black/white by the way)

Also, 'coloured' doesn't pass anymore, just a heads up.


Well-Known Member
I don't know where to begin. Firstly you refer to the post-war immigrants as the 'first' immigrants. This whole country is founded on immigrants, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, etc.
secondly the whole Tottenham and yid thing is sickening as most Tottenham fans aren't Jewish. Most spurs fans claim they're reclaiming the word but they've never experienced the racial hatred associated with the word.
Finally you are not black, you've never experienced the prejudice and intolerance most black people have felt. There is a difference between white and black people when it comes to racism because most white people have never experienced what it's like to be hated because of your skin colour.
The fight against racism isn't over there are so many ways in which are society is divided along racial lines. We need to be constantly vigilant about this.

Agree with a lot of that, but Spurs has a lot of Jewish association right from it's onset and there are thousands of Jewish people who do go and watch Spurs play.

You say the 'yid thing' is sickening but as has been reported most of the young generation Jewish people interviewed about this don't have a problem with it and it's the older generation who are more perturbed.

Besides, Arsenal fans (though other clubs do it as well) make hissing sounds at the Tottenham faithful as some kind of sick taunt about the thousands and thousands and thousands of Jews being gassed in World War II. This is so, so much worse than Spurs fans calling themselves the 'Yid Army.'

This tag they adopted as a defence mechanism to try and deflect from all the sickening chants.

How anyone could hiss to represent the gas chambers is just totally beyond belief. Sub human behaviour for one of the darkest periods in the history of the entire world.


Well-Known Member
In all seriousness - "ism" in one form or another is probably in every situation to one degree or another. E.g. Elitism...if you want a really comfortable afternoon watching CCFC you hire a box out. IF you can afford it usually as part of the elite class. If any of those boxes are empty - do they let some elderly/disabled/kids in from the cold? Doubtful.
Some of it is just plain wrong too i.e. hate/violence/ victimisation & I think perhaps 95% of the world population are generally decent, helpful folk & would agree with just how wrong those elements are.
It's all about intent & circumstance. I used to live in Walsall as a teen in the 70's, & after a night out at a rock gig in Brum me & my mate had to walk home. At one point several black guys followed us & lobbed stones at us & shouted stuff like "hey honky (&/or white boy)...wanna fight?" I never felt racially abused - but I did feel scared & intimidated - just as I did later on when a gang of mostly white mods & punks (likely combo???) did similar (fortunately I knee the run-leader) - so I guess it's simply a case of deciding to take offence or not in situations?
Also, my best friend for a yr or two was a Kenyan named Kenny. We were almost inseparable for a while. When we met up regardless of who was about he used to call me "honky", I called him "Kenny-boy". Nobody chose to take offence at the honky bit...even though there were only a handful of blacks in the area.
All about choice...e.g. I get cross (not offended) at "Women Only" events/gym sessions etc. The other way around would cause a right ding-dong!!! That's where "ism" impact the majority of us in reality, I think.


Well-Known Member
The thing here too is that by calling yourselves things like The Society of Black Lawyers, while you are helping your target audience, you are alienating the very people you are trying to get through to in terms helping them to understand that racism is entirely wrong.


The Society of Black Lawyers - nothing dodgey or racist about that name or idea at all /sarcasm


Well-Known Member
Support groups for specific sections of society are needed.
My auntie is a member of the NBPA and it has helped her with discrimination issues in the past. It's the equivalent, wether people like to admit it or not, of going to the British Embassy for advice if you have specific problems abroad. That's the easiest way to describe it, you wouldn't nip to the local police in Iran if there was a threat of kidnap. (maybe an extreme example!)

What is happening at the moment is unfortunate, to put it lightly. This Herbert character is going about this completely wrong and he is causing far too much damage. Someone needs to step in and make people aware he doesn't represent 'all of us'

(I'm mixed black/white by the way)

Also, 'coloured' doesn't pass anymore, just a heads up.

I wonder if the correct term for me is penisally challenged?
Racism has no place in football. Whether it's white players abusing black players or black players abusing white players, it's still racism. I think there should be a new racism group, as this one is not doing enough. a 4 week ban for JohnTerry. Not enough. Rcism is ruining the reputation of the game and i'm sick and tired of watchign Sky Sports News and only hearing about Racism and how its not being dealt with. Sort it out!


Well-Known Member
Which of the following sites would you say is more racist?

The Society of Black Lawyers

The Society of White Lawyers

Its got to be the black lawyers group I'm afraid as the others are only for middle class white people. They are obviously aware racism doesn't affect the working class or the upper class :facepalm:

obviously both of these diversive groups should be banned
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