I haven't posted on here for over a year ... (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
... but I have looked at the forum pretty much every day in that time.

There will be a lot of this post that people may see as being over dramatic but I mean every word I say.

There are many occasions where the subjects/comments put on here can really bring you down, not only because they tend to be of a negative nature but most are people telling me/the reader the truth about how bleak things are at City, (especially in the last 12-18 months, culminating in the ultimate low last Saturday), whether I/people like to read them or not but above all though what really hurts is that ALL the posts are heartfelt and honest otherwise people wouldn't be bothered to take the time and put them down for others to read and comment on.

SISU above all else has ripped this club apart (I genuinely have a tear in my eye as I am writing this). I don't mean that in the complete sense from a financial or investment point of view but also from the angle that it is these people who have caused us to turn against each other.

Of course, down the years there have been massive divisions between the Cov fans but this is the strongest contention that we have had towards each other for a long long time, probably ever.

Relegation is still raw and will remain so until pre-season as will the anger and the contention between us all.

I have deliberately used the words “us” and “all” so far in the post because really that is all that should matter right now.
It is a huge cliché and obvious to say that now is the time to pull together as one, but PLEASE, PLEASE can we all have a go from now until at least Christmas to at least use this forum to PULL TOGETHER, SING TOGETHER?!
I’m not saying don’t ever disagree on any subject ever, but maybe agree to disagree more.
All protest/comment about SISU in a way that adheres to agreeing and disagreeing in such that protest if you want them out, or if you don’t feel this way protest that you want them to at least invest if they are to hang around. Do it together not in opposition.
I saw a picture of Rangers fans the other day (protesting against the SFA;s sanctions) that really hit home. It showed them holding a poster that read “If you bring Rangers down, we will bring you down”.
We ALL love this club, we ALL have that in common.
We all need to cut all the crap now and really pull together and take the Rangers stance of “it’s us against the world”, yes the world, not SISU, not Andy Thorn, NOT EACH other but everyone else.

This is all just my view after a tough year reading this forum and not actually posting.



Well-Known Member
good to have you back but i wont give sisu a penny of mine and i'm city til i die :blue::blue::blue:


I'd love us all to take a similar stance as the Rangers fans - but against SISU. All of us can agree that they have lied and treated us like mugs - and no doubt they're hoping to do so again next season.

Good to see a returning poster after such a long time, and I like the sentiment - just think that there are too many differing opinions for us to unite. Relegation has done it to an extent with the fence sitters finally saying enough is enough - but there are still those saying "well done SISU, cuts had to be made" as if we're just another business.

Thinking about it, what we really need to unite on is getting the club to acquire the stadium for our long term prospects to be any good. If we ever get taken over by backers with the money to do so we should put huge pressure on the council / the Higgs Trust to sell up.

What we don't need right now is for people to not care. This forum is the ideal place for ideas on making us a strong club to be proud of.


Well-Known Member
Welcome back and top post, I seen the rangers protests and that hit home to me about how their club is so important to them, shame we do not have that unity here. Okay up north is it bordering on obsession but it's important to them.

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
Hullinho87. Sorry you feel that way.
Firstly if you feel so strongly then the obvious thought is 'where the hell have you been then?'

You can't come on here proclaiming you have read everything but have not taken an active part?

Bizarre comes to mind even if I get your sentiment.

Forums are about opinion and that means we are not all like minded. I agree with many and disagree with many. Some in my opinion are more informed than others and so it goes...

As for SISU you say are to blame for this clubs downfall?
I am compelled to remind you they saved this club from death a few years back. It was the previous regimes that ruined this club. SISU merely ran a bad ship and failed to correct things properly.
The damage was already done in so many ways.

I would like most I'm sure prefer to see the back of these people but some credit to SISU.
At the moment there are no white knights riding in like Hoffman who virually confirmed himself out of any bid process the other day so we need SISU right now. As of today there seems no other option so protesting however meaningful will get us nowhere.

How about we say "please hang in there, don't put us under, invest a little we can change this together"
That might be a thought huh?

Be careful what you wish for! ;)


New Member
Paxman take a chill pill mate. This guys post was a heartfelt post and he is clearly a decent guy. Maybe your anger and others like you are his reasons.

Not being funny chap but it's a bit aggressive. .. your tone I mean

Mr T - Sukka!

Active Member
Hullinho87. Sorry you feel that way.
Firstly if you feel so strongly then the obvious thought is 'where the hell have you been then?'

You can't come on here proclaiming you have read everything but have not taken an active part?

Bizarre comes to mind even if I get your sentiment.

Forums are about opinion and that means we are not all like minded. I agree with many and disagree with many. Some in my opinion are more informed than others and so it goes...

As for SISU you say are to blame for this clubs downfall?
I am compelled to remind you they saved this club from death a few years back. It was the previous regimes that ruined this club. SISU merely ran a bad ship and failed to correct things properly.
The damage was already done in so many ways.

I would like most I'm sure prefer to see the back of these people but some credit to SISU.
At the moment there are no white knights riding in like Hoffman who virually confirmed himself out of any bid process the other day so we need SISU right now. As of today there seems no other option so protesting however meaningful will get us nowhere.

How about we say "please hang in there, don't put us under, invest a little we can change this together"
That might be a thought huh?

Be careful what you wish for! ;)

Of course SISU are to blame! They are the OWNERS! To say damage was done previously is bollocks!

If you brought a house and there was loads of things wrong with it, would you put them right as you now OWN it? of course you would.

Or would you moan and drone on about the problems the previous people left it in? and do nothing?

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
Anyone who thinks the previous incumbents prior to SISU (Richardson and co etc) are blameless in the downfall of our clubs plight are either too young to recount or on another planet.

Thorninmyside...I don't need a chill pill. I stand by what I said.

What a lot of people need to do is realise exactly where we are at in our history, think carefully about the current state of football fiances as a whole and conclude hopefully that while we would like to see the back of SISU there is no guarantee any other prospective ownership is going to fair better. They are all we have right now between us competing next season or being extinguished.

To use your anaygy Mr T Sukka...
SISU did buy a broken house (30 minutes from admin) and largely thanks to them we are still here because they have tried to fix it. Yes poor wokmanship, lots of mistakes but they are still here and not blaming previous owners.

Most people on here think there is a magic wand and all will be fixed instantly in a puff of dust.
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Active Member
When SISU took over, they asked for shares off the fans who had held onto them for years. Ranson's words at the time were along the line of "give them to us or the club goes bust". Many gave them up hoping it would be the start of a new beginning. We were told things would change. We sold Fox and Dann, I distinctly remember an article in the CT saying the money wouldn't be spent on players, but a share of the Ricoh. Bollocks. Along with countless other times, we were lied to. Fair enough they were dealt a pretty sh!t hand by those before them, but they've had enough time to sort things out. They didn't save our club, they merely kept the life support machine on and now we really are in the sh!t.

I really wish the fans of our club would stand up and do something. I think it's got to the point where most don't care. We've been sh!t for so long, most fans seem to accept it. Has anything been organised for the Southampton game? A game where we'll be on TV, with the TV cameras facing us? Our last game in a league that people sort of take interest in? No. Its pretty pathetic.

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
Actually SBS I rather like your post. SISU did save us but yes as I said they have made a bad job of maintaining us. I agree with you.

But protest what? I assume protest to get them out? Well then what comes after if you achieve it? Is there a consortium waiting in the wings to take over?

As with any business things change along the way and we know what happened to our economy in 08'. So yes players were sold but plans needed to be changed with what was happening. I really wish they were better at it but they were not and made error after error (certainly with hindsight)
If they are all we have then make your protest about investment from them in playing side of things....because that's what they need to do.


Active Member
Not necessarily for them to leave. It is disgusting what they have done, but realistically its them or nothing at the moment. They seem to have taken the approach that a football club can be dealt with like any other business, which is not the case. Your last line gets close to what I think, but it needs to go further. The repeated lies and how they've ripped the soul out of this club is what I'm pissed off about. They need to change their approach. I would rather have seen Westwood, Gunnarssons or Kings contracts extended as opposed to new players. I know I don't know the ins and outs of the negotiations, but these players said they wanted to stay at some point and nothing was sorted. I think the first 10 games next season (if we get there) will determine what happens to our club. I can't see season ticket sales going past 9k next season. Why not give every ST holder an extra free ticket for these games? Inspire the fans and players, create an atmosphere, increased merchandise sales. I can't see many people on the opening day of the season thinking "Yeah lets go to the Ricoh". Our attendances are going to be horrible, the Ricohs going to be a graveyard.


Well-Known Member
Hullinho87. Sorry you feel that way.
Firstly if you feel so strongly then the obvious thought is 'where the hell have you been then?'

You can't come on here proclaiming you have read everything but have not taken an active part?

Bizarre comes to mind even if I get your sentiment.

Forums are about opinion and that means we are not all like minded. I agree with many and disagree with many. Some in my opinion are more informed than others and so it goes...

As for SISU you say are to blame for this clubs downfall?
I am compelled to remind you they saved this club from death a few years back. It was the previous regimes that ruined this club. SISU merely ran a bad ship and failed to correct things properly.
The damage was already done in so many ways.

I would like most I'm sure prefer to see the back of these people but some credit to SISU.
At the moment there are no white knights riding in like Hoffman who virually confirmed himself out of any bid process the other day so we need SISU right now. As of today there seems no other option so protesting however meaningful will get us nowhere.

How about we say "please hang in there, don't put us under, invest a little we can change this together"
That might be a thought huh?

Be careful what you wish for! ;)

The reason I haven't posted is because the opinion I had to offer on just about all the subjects was similar to what others had already said, especially those on SISU. It’s just that this forum (which I love) has made hard reading at times

Of course we will have differing opinions, and contention is not always a bad thing, but the point I was trying to convey was that the SISU/investment/team issues are going to continue. I want to stress Paxman, that it is wholly right that people should use this forum to express their opinions. Sometimes on this forum it really is a case of the “truth hurts” which again is no bad thing.

I was looking at the WHOLE picture at City as we stand right now.

The example to put my point across I could use is:
I live in Manchester now and we had the horrendous riots up here that stemmed from those in London.
What hurt people up here the most up here in the aftermath, even more so than the financial implications, was the fact that people, in a city that prides itself on individuality that spreads and breeds complete (social) unity were smashing up their OWN city, people just couldn’t understand it. If people had come from say Liverpool over to Manchester to smash up the Manc city centre then the youths and the like of Manchester would have united (pardon the pun) and defended their city to the death.

I was just hoping that maybe we could all just stick together where possible from now in to next season, especially away from home, where we can takeover some villages that we haven’t visited for a long, long time, maybe ever.

The way I see it, I defy anyone to come on here and try to tell me that if we nick a 91st minute winner away to Swindon on a freezing November Tuesday next season that we won’t all be totally united in celebrating it like we have just won the champions league.
I’m sorry if my point got misconstrued, I just think we could take some positives and really pull together now.
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