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  1. Harry Krishner

    Germany *again*
  2. Harry Krishner

    Just Found This - Coventry Atlas

    That's amazing.
  3. Harry Krishner

    Israel - Palestinian Conflict

    Good Lord no! This site has become something of an echo chamber. I am here to assist you all in your struggles with reality and the truth.
  4. Harry Krishner

    Israel - Palestinian Conflict

    See comment re Kosovo and Nagorno-Karabakh.
  5. Harry Krishner

    Israel - Palestinian Conflict

    Has to be a good chance.
  6. Harry Krishner

    Israel - Palestinian Conflict

    Why all the fuss? Gaza is a mere 365 km2 and probably not tenable as a state or semi state, with a population highly focussed on armed conflict. Nagorno-Karabakh (area 4,400 km2) and Kosovo (10,910 km2) both inhabited by long-standing populations and were both abandoned to Islam - without a...
  7. Harry Krishner

    Israel - Palestinian Conflict

    They're sub human cunts. And once again - there is no Palestine. Somebody downthread interprets this as a "racist" comment. It is not. It is one of the bluntest statements of fact ever made.
  8. Harry Krishner

    Israel - Palestinian Conflict

    How about you stop being a complete fucking twat? The footie boards are mainly full of people just expressing opinions about games/players etc. - to which they are perfectly entitled. These boards are full of dangerously misinformed bullshit, much of which appears to have darker political...
  9. Harry Krishner

    Israel - Palestinian Conflict

    Are you denying it's true?
  10. Harry Krishner

    Israel - Palestinian Conflict

    There is no Palestine.
  11. Harry Krishner

    Israel - Palestinian Conflict

    Harsh, but possibly the most realistic long-term solution. It's difficult to imagine Gazans and the Israelis ever coexisting peacefully together, especially after events of the past 15 months. Talk of a two-state solution is nonsensical really. There's plenty of room for them in the sparsely...
  12. Harry Krishner

    Southport Stabbing

    "And there’s no evidence he’s Muslim no." Other than using a style of attack popular among Islamists...and the al Qaeda manual.
  13. Harry Krishner

    Germany *again*

    And again...
  14. Harry Krishner

    Trump is my favourite comedian of the year already

    He still makes more sense than Kamala.
  15. Harry Krishner

    Trump is my favourite comedian of the year already

    Elon waving to his mate. Wtf with all these preemptive pardons for crimes yet to be committed (discovered)? Drill baby drill isn't particularly what the world needs at this juncture. Apart from that Donald's speech had some really good bits - 2 genders and send the army to the border.
  16. Harry Krishner

    Israel - Palestinian Conflict

    Oh dear.. How old are you - seriously? Is it OK to use an I phone during class?
  17. Harry Krishner

    Israel - Palestinian Conflict

    I don't think so. Merely the observation that people around the world tend to differ in many respects regarding philosophy, values etc. Would you disagree? The notion of what constitutes "fair play" can vary greatly from place to place.
  18. Harry Krishner

    Israel - Palestinian Conflict

    I would say it's highly material. Do you honestly think that if the Israelis were to vacate the said areas, that the Arabs would just call it a day? I don't - it would give them encouragement to go for the jugular. Look at the manner in which they are celebrating their current "victory"...
  19. Harry Krishner

    Israel - Palestinian Conflict

    All of the territories you mention were retained after the adjoing Arab nations attacked Israel with the intention of wiping it off the map. What are they supposed to do? Hand them back and say don't worry about it? Does international law have anything to say about the obliteration of Jewish...
  20. Harry Krishner

    Israel - Palestinian Conflict

    I very much doubt it. Islamists are still dedicated to the destruction of Israel. Hezbollah are supposed to retreat to North of the Litani River - which they were supposed to have done anyway under the 2006 agreement - enforceable by UN forces, which they failed to do. Major positive has...